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Semester: | Fall 2025 |
Number: | 0170-241-001 |
Instructor: | Jessica Klein |
Days: | TBA |
Note: | Online, Asynchronous |
Location: | Online |
Credits: | 3 |
Notes: |
Required For Gender Studies Minor |
Course Materials: | View Text Books |
Description: |
Students are introduced to the sociological study of sex, gender and sexuality by exploring how cultural, racial, sexual and class components create systems of classification for sexual/gender identities in the western and non-western world. Students will study how institutions of power are pivotal sites for these identities and expressions. (Learning Goals:CW;Distribution Reqs:Social Sciences) |
Learning Goals: |
At the end of the semester, students will be able to:♦ Historicize contemporary notions of gender by identifying how gender changes overspace and time.♦ Explain different understandings of the relationships between sex, gender andsexuality.♦ Apply cross-cultural variation in constructions of sex, gender, and sexuality.♦ Illustrate the extent to which dominant notions of gender are culturally specific (Inother words, is gender universal or does it refer to specific social-culturalunderstandings of bodies, gender performances, configurations and relationships ofpower?).♦ Compose weekly assignments of how one can approach the various constructions ofsex, gender and sexuality.♦ Compare the ways in which the medicalization of gender and sexuality, laws andvarious institutions, work to maintain rigid boundaries for these categories.♦ Determine the role of violence as a tool of power and control over those who do notconform to normative gender and sexuality demands. *The learning goals displayed here are those for one section of this course as offered in a recent semester, and are provided for the purpose of information only. The exact learning goals for each course section in a specific semester will be stated on the syllabus distributed at the start of the semester, and may differ in wording and emphasis from those shown here. |
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