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Courses may be offered in one of the following modalities:

  • Traditional in-person courses (0–29 percent of coursework is delivered online, the majority being offered in person.)
  • Hybrid/blended courses (30–79 percent of coursework is delivered online.)
  • Online courses (100 percent of coursework is delivered online, either synchronously on a designated day and time or asynchronously as a deadline-driven course.)
  • Hyflex (Students will be assigned to attend in-person or live streamed sessions as a reduced-size cohort on a rotating basis; live sessions are also recorded, offering students the option to participate synchronously or view asynchronously as needed.)

If you are enrolled in courses delivered in traditional or hybrid modalities, you will be expected to attend face-to-face instruction as scheduled.

Business Policy And Strategy (BUS-468)

Capstone Course
Semester: Spring 2025
Number: 0204-468-666
Instructor: Charles Kelly
Days: TBA
Note: Online, Asynchronous
Location: Online
Credits: 3
Course Meets: March 24 - May 14

Capstone Course
For majors only
Open to CPCS undergrad students
For Graduating Seniors In Their Final Semester.For Cpcs
Students In The Online Business Bs. If Seats Are Available
Please Email Cpcs@adelphi.Edu To Be Added To Waitlist .
Expect A Response In January 2025.Program Learning Goal

Course Materials: View Text Books
Related Syllabi: James Hazy for Fall 2015*
James Hazy for Fall 2016*
James Hazy for Spring 2018*
James Hazy for Fall 2018*
James Hazy for Fall 2019*

*Attention Students: Please note that the syllabi available for your view on these pages are for example only. The instructors and requirements for each course are subject to change each semester. If you enroll in a particular course, your instructor and course outline may differ from what is presented here.


This senior-level course integrates and synthesizes the concepts and techniques developed in prior courses in order to construct a rational basis for developing business objectives and strategic plans. Problem identification, strategy formulation, and decision implementation issues are stressed. Business simulation, case studies, and role playing are some avenues taken to convey course content.

Learning Goals:   Upon completion of this course successful students will be able to:• Understand the concept of strategy and the issues that shape business organizations and determine its success and failure.• Develop a holistic understanding of decision making by integrating concepts from different functional areas such as management, accounting, marketing, finance and operations. • Analyze the external environment of the firm and industry (Analytics Theme)• Assess how firm capabilities and competitive advantage are built• Analyze issues pertaining to corporate strategy, diversification and growth• Analyze global competition (Global Issues Theme)• Evaluate how leadership is exercised in global industries (Global Issues and Leadership Themes)• Analyze ethical issues faced by managers (Ethics Theme)Students will also develop skills to• Conduct company/industry case analyses using concepts pertaining to strategic decisions • Develop a strategy for a firm in a specific industry

*The learning goals displayed here are those for one section of this course as offered in a recent semester, and are provided for the purpose of information only. The exact learning goals for each course section in a specific semester will be stated on the syllabus distributed at the start of the semester, and may differ in wording and emphasis from those shown here.

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