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Courses may be offered in one of the following modalities:

  • Traditional in-person courses (0–29 percent of coursework is delivered online, the majority being offered in person.)
  • Hybrid/blended courses (30–79 percent of coursework is delivered online.)
  • Online courses (100 percent of coursework is delivered online, either synchronously on a designated day and time or asynchronously as a deadline-driven course.)
  • Hyflex (Students will be assigned to attend in-person or live streamed sessions as a reduced-size cohort on a rotating basis; live sessions are also recorded, offering students the option to participate synchronously or view asynchronously as needed.)

If you are enrolled in courses delivered in traditional or hybrid modalities, you will be expected to attend face-to-face instruction as scheduled.

Bsw Practice III: Contexts And Generalist Social Work Practice (SWK-432)

Semester: Fall 2025
Number: 0404-432-021
Instructor: Philip Rozario
Days: Thursday 9:25 am - 12:00 pm
Note: Traditional In-Person Class
Location: Garden City - Social Work Building 306
Credits: 3

For majors only
Co-Requisite: 0404-490 Majors Only

Course Materials: View Text Books

Students develop social work knowledge and skills, translating social work practice philosophy into sustainable, ethical social work in diverse situations. Emphasis is on effective social work intervention in a variety of settings and with a variety of populations. This course is taken concurrently with Field Practice III.

Learning Goals:   Identify as a professional social worker and conduct oneself accordingly. Practice behaviors consist of:A. Advocate for client access to the services of social work;B. Practice personal reflection and self-correction to assure continual professional development;C. Attend to professional roles and boundaries;D. Demonstrate professional demeanor in behavior, appearance, and communication;E. Engage in career-long learning;F. Use supervisionconsultation.Apply social work ethical principles to guide professional practice. Practice behaviors consist of:A. Recognize and manage personal values in a way that allows professional values to guide practice;B. Make ethical decisions by applying standards of the National Association of Social Workers "Code of Ethics" and, as applicable, of the International Federation of Social Workers/ International Association of Schools of Social Work "Ethics in Social Work, Statement of Principles";C. Tolerate ambiguity in resolving ethical conflicts; D. Apply strategies of ethical reasoning to arrive at principled decisions.Apply critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments. Practice behaviors consist of:A. Distinguish, appraise, and integrate multiple sources of knowledge, including research-based knowledge,practice wisdom;B. Analyze models of assessment, prevention, intervention, and evaluation; C. Demonstrate effective oral and written communication in working with individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities, and colleagues.Engage diversity and difference in practice. Practice behaviors consist of:A. Recognize the extent to which a culture’s structures and values may oppress, marginalize, alienate, or create or enhance privilege and power;B. Gain sufficient self-awareness to eliminate the influence of personal biases and values in working with diverse groups;C. Recognize and communicate their understanding of the importance of difference in shaping life experiences; D. View themselves as learners and engage those with whom they work as informants.Advance human rightssocial and economic justice. Practice behaviors consist of:A. Engage in practices that advance social and economic justice.Engage in research-informed practice and practice-informed research.Practice behaviors consist of:A. Use research evidence to inform practice.Engage in policy practice to advance social and economic well-being and to deliver effective social work services.

*The learning goals displayed here are those for one section of this course as offered in a recent semester, and are provided for the purpose of information only. The exact learning goals for each course section in a specific semester will be stated on the syllabus distributed at the start of the semester, and may differ in wording and emphasis from those shown here.


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