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Courses may be offered in one of the following modalities:

  • Traditional in-person courses (0–29 percent of coursework is delivered online, the majority being offered in person.)
  • Hybrid/blended courses (30–79 percent of coursework is delivered online.)
  • Online courses (100 percent of coursework is delivered online, either synchronously on a designated day and time or asynchronously as a deadline-driven course.)
  • Hyflex (Students will be assigned to attend in-person or live streamed sessions as a reduced-size cohort on a rotating basis; live sessions are also recorded, offering students the option to participate synchronously or view asynchronously as needed.)

If you are enrolled in courses delivered in traditional or hybrid modalities, you will be expected to attend face-to-face instruction as scheduled.

Master'S Seminar In Special Education (EEC-788)

Semester: Summer 2025
Number: 0810-788-051
Instructor: Stephen Rubin
Days: TBA
Note: Online, Asynchronous
Location: Online
Credits: 3
Course Meets: May 27 - July 1

This Is A Capstone Course Of The Special Educationprogram.Portfolio Dueadvisor
Approvalnyc Teaching Fellows

Course Materials: View Text Books

This capstone course enables candidates to explore current issues and strategies, skills, and dispositions related to the inclusive classroom. The course relies heavily on each candidate's previous course work and classroom experiences as a basis for discovery and self-reflection.

Learning Goals:   We believe teachers must be scholars who value and engage in life-long learning.Reflective Practice.We understand the learning process as a fluid, complex, and dialogical process. Our educational philosophy then, stresses the value of learning through meaningful activity and reflection within a community of scholars/educators.Social Justice.We recognize learning as a sociocultural dynamic and therefore seek to frame our learning and service within the cultural, historical, and material contexts of the diverse populations of the New York metropolitan area. Educators must be aware of the ways schools may reproduce hierarchies based on race, class, gender, and sexuality. Awareness should lead to action as teachers embrace their roles as student advocates and active community members.Inclusive CommunityOur conception of learning as a sociocultural dynamic leads us to a philosophy that embraces community and collaboration. Democratic, collaborative learning communities that welcome diversity and honor the voices of all hold the most promise for individual as well as organizational progress..Wellness Our conception of learning is holistic. That is, we believe values and personal growth in the physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual domains should be nurtured as well as skills and knowledge..Creativity and the Arts.In line with our emphasis on holistic education is our belief in the value of creative expression and artistic exploration to personal and professional growth. Creativity and vision are inherent in our conception of the good teacher. The creative process allows us to reflect on our world as well as envision ways of making it more humane, just, and beautiful.These goals are conceived and presented as broad ideals to strive for rather than as fixed destinations. We acknowledge that, whereas teacher candidates and clinical candidates may show variation in achieving these goals, the process of achievement is at the heart of their educational journey. These values and goals pertain to the liberal and professional education of teacher candidates and professional practitioners in allied fields.

*The learning goals displayed here are those for one section of this course as offered in a recent semester, and are provided for the purpose of information only. The exact learning goals for each course section in a specific semester will be stated on the syllabus distributed at the start of the semester, and may differ in wording and emphasis from those shown here.

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