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Course Search

Courses may be offered in one of the following modalities:

  • Traditional in-person courses (0–29 percent of coursework is delivered online, the majority being offered in person.)
  • Hybrid/blended courses (30–79 percent of coursework is delivered online.)
  • Online courses (100 percent of coursework is delivered online, either synchronously on a designated day and time or asynchronously as a deadline-driven course.)
  • Hyflex (Students will be assigned to attend in-person or live streamed sessions as a reduced-size cohort on a rotating basis; live sessions are also recorded, offering students the option to participate synchronously or view asynchronously as needed.)

If you are enrolled in courses delivered in traditional or hybrid modalities, you will be expected to attend face-to-face instruction as scheduled.

Communications And Critical Thinking (WRT-100)

Semester: Summer 2024
Number: 0811-100-121
Instructor: Kimberly Lavery
Days: Monday Wednesday Friday 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Monday Wednesday 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Note: Traditional In-Person Class
Location: Garden City - Blodgett Hall 124 HHE
Credits: 3
Course Meets: July 8 - July 19

Break On Tr 10:30am-11:30amfor Incoming Students Only In The Bridges To Adelphi

Course Materials: View Text Books

This course explores the process of thinking critically and guides students in thinking more clearly, insightfully and effectively. Substantive readings, structured writing assignments and ongoing discussions help students develop language skills while fostering sophisticated thinking abilities. Students develop the abilities to solve problems, analyze issues, and make informed decisions. (Learning Goals:L)

Learning Goals:   Through active class participation, critical reading, oral and written expression, individually and in groups, students will be able to use critical thinking to:• Identify a topic, develop a research question and a working thesis• Develop appropriate and effective search strategies• Differentiate suitable primary, secondary and scholarly sources• Select and use information retrieval tools• Locate and retrieve information sources• Analyze and critically evaluate information• Organize and synthesize information• Incorporate appropriate formatting and citation style in writing assignments• Use sources in an appropriate manner that maintains student voice in writing

*The learning goals displayed here are those for one section of this course as offered in a recent semester, and are provided for the purpose of information only. The exact learning goals for each course section in a specific semester will be stated on the syllabus distributed at the start of the semester, and may differ in wording and emphasis from those shown here.

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